(Source: Norman Rockwell, Freedom for want, 1943) |
The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving.
This is an American holiday, and there is no school on Thanksgiving.
It is a time to gather* with family and friends, share* a traditional meal and express gratitude for all the good things in life.
This year, Thanksgiving is on November, 28th.
In 1620, the first settlers* were called the Pilgrims*. They arrived in America on the Mayflower ship*.
They moved in America because there was a religious crisis in England. They wanted their own church, and they couldn't have it in England.
The first winter in America was very cold and harsh*. They did not have much* food. They did not have warm clothes*. The Pilgrims got sick and many people died.
In spring, the Wampanoag* visited them and taught them how to grow corn* and other native crops*. They taught them how to fish and cook cranberries*, corn and squash*.
In fall 1621, the Pilgrims invited the Wampanoag to have a big meal and thanked them for what they did. They ate wild turkeys*, fish, corn, green vegetables and fruits.
It was the first Thanksgiving in America.
Traditional foods include roast turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Many people serve pie for dessert at the end of the meal. Popular pie flavors are pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato, and apple.
In New York City, Macy's store prepare a parade especially for Thanksgiving. It announces the start of the Christmas shopping in the United States.
Each year at Thanksgiving, the President of the United States receives a live* turkey as a gift. At a ceremony at the White House, the President "pardons"* the National Thanksgiving turkey.
gather: réunir, rassembler
share: partager
settle: s'installer, coloniser
settlers = colonists: les colons
the Pilgrims: les Pèlerins
a ship: un navire
harsh = hard = difficult = terrible
much = lots of
warm clothes: vêtements chauds
the Wampanoag was an Indian tribe
corn: maïs
grow native crops: cultiver des produits locaux
cranberries: canneberges
squash: courge
turkey: dinde
live: vivant(e)
pardon: accorder la grâce, laisser la vie sauve